Friday, April 26, 2013


Pictures of C.P.Seibt in digital books to watch, download and self print. And if you like it, we can order for you a printed copy of a book. To do this, simply contact us.


Every day. One year.

Started at week 4/2008, finished at week 3/2009.
The rules I gave myself for the logbook project have been simple:
Every day a visual log = one central image.
And opportunities for connected associations above and under it.

The format for every day: 50 x 150 cm / 19,7 x 59 in,
the format for one week: 370 x 150 cm. / 145,6 x 59 in,
oil on special cardboard.

It was an attentive adventure.
The most difficult moment was: to stop after 366 days.
Among other aspects the logbooks do not create memories, but presence.