Tuesday, February 18, 2014

one picture every day

day 57
another moment, you know ...

TWONE II , oil on special paper, 40x40cm, 2013/14

day 55
number 8 of the new sequence TWONE, .... clusters of moments ...

TWONE II / I, oil on special paper, 40x40cm, 2013/14

day 54
number 6 of the new sequence TWONE ... thanks for visiting

also every day on facebook, https://www.facebook.com/cpseibt

TWONE II / 6, oil on special paper, 40x40cm, 2013/14

day 53
Number 5 of the new sequence .... thanks for sharing

TWONE II / I, oil on special paper, 40x40cm, 2013/14


day 51
The third one of the new sequence .... thanks for adopting them for a few heartbeats...

TWONE II / I, oil on special paper, 40x40cm, 2013/14

day 50
This is the second painting of the new sequence .... thanks for giving them a bit of your time and heartbeats...

TWONE II / I, oil on special paper, 40x40cm, 2013/14

day 49
Here's the new sequence. I can't say, that I work out "themes". But I work with different habits at specific spaces which grow, change, mutate ... here is one of them .... thanks for giving them a bit of your time, means: nows, nows, nows...

TWONE II / I, oil on special paper, 40x40cm, 2013/14

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